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Thursday, 5 March 2015

3 Reasons Why Your Mascara Isn’t Working For You

The use of mascaras can be tricky sometimes. Then you go buy one that promises voluminous long lashes, and after usage, your lashes just remain the same or worse, you just end up smudging and staining your already made up eye with the so called beauty product.

These are the reasons why you encounter these problems; 

1. You use the wrong wand:

 All mascara wand sizes are made for different purposes. Some wands might work for you and some might not, so, if you get one that does wonders to your lashes, keep it, wands are totally transferable from one bottle to the other. So be sure to sterilize it using alcohol. 

2. You pump your wand a little too often:

 Nothing is more annoying than when your mascara dries out so quickly, gosh!!!. Its a very common habit to pump the wand in and out of the bottle before using this product. This action causes air to enter the bottle, and it dries out this product. Instead of popping, try to swirl the wand in the bottle in a circular way and then apply to your lashes and you see the difference.

 3. You don’t wait in-between coats: 

You might have heard that applying 2-3 coats so you can lengthen your lashes. This is actually true when you wait in-between coats to allow it dry. Applying wet mascara on top of wet mascara, this will give you neither length nor volume. So Exercise some patience.
I hope this helps?
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