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Monday, 13 April 2015

Is this the lady causing silent war between Peter Okoye and wife Lola? (PHOTOS)

If you all recall, earlier last week Peter and his wife Lola Okoye displayed a silent war on their Instagram page and Lola came out few hours later saying all is well between them.

This post you are about to read is not to draw a conclusion that all is not well between them but just to show you all the lady that Peter Okoye is obsessed with. Her name is
Aylen Avarez and he is fond of sharing her pictures on his page even the very night he told the whole world he is single and searching, he passed the message across by making use of Aylen pictures. She is a Latina,half-Cuban, half-Brazilian model from Miami
So I won't be wrong for saying Peter is obsessed with Aylen or could they be working on a video together? hmmmmm
See pictures of Aylen which I was able to lay my fast fingers on

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Item Reviewed: Is this the lady causing silent war between Peter Okoye and wife Lola? (PHOTOS) Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: STARBOY
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